Monday, June 14, 2010


Masses of people lined the beach, intent on enjoying the beautiful weather and a day of leisure. Many were there with family--children, parents, cousins laughing together, grandparents holding the hands of little ones. Others came with friends, neighbors or church groups. There must certainly also have been some in that crowd who were lonely and afraid, even surrounded as they were by hundreds--all strangers.
As with any huge gathering of people, they came in all shapes and sizes and nationalities, speaking many different languages. The colors and variety of apparel and beach paraphernalia were amazing. Smells of hundreds of picnics mingled with damp ocean air to overwhelm the senses.

In the middle of the crowds a banner boldly declared the love of Jesus for the hordes of people. Busily working away under the shade tents, individuals prepared food for the large group-men flipping burgers on a row of barbecue grills while women set out assorted bowls of food and desserts. Although the setting was different, the atmosphere might have been similar to the day Jesus fed the hungry masses by the Sea of Galilee, breaking apart five loaves of bread and two fish. As must have also happened on that day long ago, people waiting for their meal jostled together, enjoying the fresh sea air and sunshine while the meal was prepared. Through the miraculous provision of Jesus the crowd by the Sea of Galilee was well fed and everyone was satisfied. It appeared that the people who planned this event had plenty of food to go around as well.

Although it has been two thousand years since the unplanned picnic by the sea, one thing has never changed from then until now. Jesus loves people--large rowdy groups, small family get togethers, a few friends, and lonely individuals who have nobody to share a holiday at the beach with.

Jesus loves them all! Jesus loves you. He knows your heart. He knows your needs and wants to meet them. In John 6:32-33 Jesus said, "it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Jesus knows that your greatest need is not a full stomach, but eternal life. He longs to satisfy your soul. Have you trusted in Him and accepted His gift of eternal life?

God bless you,

John 6:35 "Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.'"