Friday, December 10, 2010


This week I finally fixed a problem on my business website--one that has been bugging me for over a month. I had tried everything I could think of, without success. Well, every thing but one. Finally I did what I should have done weeks ago.

I picked up the phone and called technical support. The young man who answered my call was helpful and pleasant, and the problem was fixed in about ten minutes. From there I went on to improve a few other things that needed work--on my own. It felt terrific! Like a major victory! Building on that satisfaction and the confidence it provided, I have been able to get more work done and move forward in ways I had not thought of before. It has been a great week!

Even so, this morning I sat down at my desk feeling overwhelmed, with the demands of two businesses and ministry weighing on me, as well as things I want to get done for Christmas and our upcoming trip. All of them (well, almost all of them) things I really want to do--things that are important to me, that I love doing.

Making a list of all the "to-do's" was even worse. Then I could really see in black and white that it was impossible to get it all done. As the frustration level began to climb, my eyes fell on the ceramic scroll that always sits right in front of me on my desk.

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)

I had been overlooking the words for weeks. And I definitely needed to be reminded of their truth. Although I had already spent time with my Bible and prayer earlier in the morning, at that moment I needed to specifically ask for God's direction and blessing on my schedule.

So I did just that--stopped everything and called out to the Lord for His help and guidance. He is so faithful! He already knows how to take whatever twists and turns are tripping us up and smooth out the path in front of us. He'll do it when we ask Him to, but often He waits to be asked. He wants us to call out to Him, and He will show us things we would never have thought of on our own--"great and mighty things, which you do not know."

I still won't be able to fit my entire list into this one day. But God showed me what was most important, and gave me His grace to cover the rest. I'm so glad I called!

Whatever it is you need in your life today, I hope you call out to Him, and look for the great and mighty things He has for you.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010


What a wonderful, busy, satisfying summer this one has been--packed full with so many of the things that bring me joy. As I began to make a list of the things we have enjoyed this summer, the recurring themes that jumped out at me were PEOPLE and TIME.

Time with our daughters, son-in-law and granddaughter at our rustic family cabin in the Colorado Rockies--hiking, climbing, making homemade ice cream, relaxing.

Sharing laughter and memories with my extended family, gathered around a blazing bonfire on the beach.

Climbing rocks and walking along the beach with my sisters, sharing hilarious laughter one minute and deep things of the heart the next.

Exploring lighthouses and waterfalls on the Oregon coast with my husband and daughter.

Teaching Bible studies and sharing God's truth with Christian women, in group settings and one-on-one.

Accepting the gift of a perfectly toasted marshmallow from my husband during our weekend camping trip in the Arizona mountains, celebrating 35 years together.

Earnest prayer with friends and family in need.

Singing to our precious granddaughter, who quickly asks for "more" at the end of each song. Reveling in her heart-filling hugs.

Preparing meals with my sisters and daughters in Denver, where we gathered for our nephew's wedding. Posing for photos in our dress-up clothes, and then comparing and sharing the pictures.

Long phone conversations with far-away loved ones while I walked around the lake near our home.

Impromptu coffee and ice-cream with friends on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Morning talks with our visiting daughter, me pushed back from my home-office computer, she curled up in my antique rocker, resting against her grandmother's wedding-ring quilt.

These are the things life is made of--the time taken out of busy lives to connect, share, laugh, cry, pray and just be together.

I hope you are taking time in your busy life for the things that really matter--the things that fill you up and bring you joy.

And I pray that your days (and your life) are centered in the Source of life--our Savior Jesus. "I am the way, the truth and the life." Jesus, in John 14:6

Monday, June 14, 2010


Masses of people lined the beach, intent on enjoying the beautiful weather and a day of leisure. Many were there with family--children, parents, cousins laughing together, grandparents holding the hands of little ones. Others came with friends, neighbors or church groups. There must certainly also have been some in that crowd who were lonely and afraid, even surrounded as they were by hundreds--all strangers.
As with any huge gathering of people, they came in all shapes and sizes and nationalities, speaking many different languages. The colors and variety of apparel and beach paraphernalia were amazing. Smells of hundreds of picnics mingled with damp ocean air to overwhelm the senses.

In the middle of the crowds a banner boldly declared the love of Jesus for the hordes of people. Busily working away under the shade tents, individuals prepared food for the large group-men flipping burgers on a row of barbecue grills while women set out assorted bowls of food and desserts. Although the setting was different, the atmosphere might have been similar to the day Jesus fed the hungry masses by the Sea of Galilee, breaking apart five loaves of bread and two fish. As must have also happened on that day long ago, people waiting for their meal jostled together, enjoying the fresh sea air and sunshine while the meal was prepared. Through the miraculous provision of Jesus the crowd by the Sea of Galilee was well fed and everyone was satisfied. It appeared that the people who planned this event had plenty of food to go around as well.

Although it has been two thousand years since the unplanned picnic by the sea, one thing has never changed from then until now. Jesus loves people--large rowdy groups, small family get togethers, a few friends, and lonely individuals who have nobody to share a holiday at the beach with.

Jesus loves them all! Jesus loves you. He knows your heart. He knows your needs and wants to meet them. In John 6:32-33 Jesus said, "it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Jesus knows that your greatest need is not a full stomach, but eternal life. He longs to satisfy your soul. Have you trusted in Him and accepted His gift of eternal life?

God bless you,

John 6:35 "Then Jesus declared, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty.'"

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This morning I sat at my breakfast table watching the hummingbirds flit around the feeder on our deck, and I had to laugh at their antics. One hummingbird (I call him Mr. Stingy) was sitting in the tree near the feeder guarding it from the others. He couldn't fly around and enjoy the beautiful morning because one of the others might get by him and drink the nectar. In spite of his diligence, they did occasionally sneak in to get sips, and were quickly chased off.

Of course all they had to do was go to the other end of the deck where another feeder was waiting for them, also filled with fresh nectar. The rest of the hummingbirds (I call them the Cheer Club) swooped and dived, chasing each other around joyfully, chattering in their pleasure. But Mr. Stingy stayed faithfully at his post, never joining in the fun, and only leaving his branch to do his guard duty.

At first the whole scenario was funny to watch, but soon I began to feel sorry for Mr. Stingy. By hoarding the nectar, refusing to share, and worrying that he might run out, he was missing out on the joy and abundance that was available to him. It's too bad he didn't know his nectar supply was endless so he could quit hoarding it and join in the fun. Yesterday I had filled the feeders to the top, happy to supply as much nectar as the hummingbirds could use, and eager to refill them as often as necessary. Poor Mr. Stingy.

And yet isn't this just what we do with God? He has promised to supply all of our needs as long as we put Him first, and pay attention first to matters to do with His kingdom. But instead of going about our life and work joyfully and with abandon, as the Cheer Club were doing, we worry and fret like Mr. Stingy. We worry that we might not have enough to pay our bills and meet our needs, as if God's provision might run out.

In the process of our worry, we don't pay attention to the small miracles of joy that are around us everyday--like the smile on the face of a loved one, a lilac bush in full bloom, the bright blue of the sky, a child's happy giggle, a daisy with its face turned to the sun, the caress of a soft breeze, or the comfort of a friend. The lesson in Matthew 6:25-33 is about this subject. It says, ". . . your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." NLT

Yes we need to be responsible with our resources, putting them to good use and not squandering
what God has blessed us with. And Proverbs says that it's wise to save for a rainy day. But we also need to recognize that God owns the universe. His supply is endless. He has promised to provide for us when we keep our priorities in order. Jesus said He came to earth to give us an abundant life. Are you noticing the abundance around you, like the Cheer Club? Or are you guarding the supply like Mr. Stingy, and missing out on the abundance of God? (Check out what Proverbs 11:24-25 has to say about hoarding.)

God bless you with joy and abundance as you trust in Him.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again--rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 NLT

I've been thinking about joy today. Well no, actually, I've been thinking about the lack of joy--when sometimes the troubles of this world seem to get the best of me and I think I have a good excuse not to be joyful. Really I suppose if you just call it what it is, I guess I've been wallowing in the mud (self-pity). But all day God has been bringing two scriptures to mind. The first one is Philippians 4:4 where Paul tells us to rejoice--to always be full of joy in the Lord. And the second one is James 1:25 NLT "If you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law--the law that sets you free--and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it."

Just before that, in James 1:23-24 Paul says that if we just listen to God's word and don't do anything about it--don't obey, it's like looking at ourselves in the mirror and then walking away with a dirty face or messed up hair, or broccoli in our teeth. (My own loose paraphrase.)

So why do these two scriptures keep rolling around in my mind today? The answer is obvious, I suppose. Philippians 4:4 doesn't tell me to rejoice if I feel like it, or if everything is going just right. It says "Rejoice!" and "Be full of joy in the Lord". And James 1:25 says if we do what God's word tells us to do (whether we feel like it or not) He will bless us for it.

Sure enough, when I make the effort to think about all the wonderful things God has done for me, instead of letting my mind keep playing in the mud, I feel better. The blessing comes quickly. Just like fixing our hair and putting on a little makeup gives us a quick lift, looking for the good and choosing joy in the Lord will give our spirits a boost every time.
Circumstances around us may be exactly the same way they were before, but our outlook is changed. The extra effort is so worth it!

God bless you with joy today!

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Colossians 3:23 says "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."

It's Sunday evening and almost time for bed. The weekend is over, a new work week starts tomorrow morning, and it's going to be a busy one! Clients to meet with, employees to lead and encourage, meetings to attend, other meetings to conduct, paperwork to take care of--you know how it goes.

Some of the work I really enjoy, and find stimulating and challenging. Some not so much. And sometimes I find myself wishing I could just work for God instead of being a business owner. This week He reminded me that I already do work for Him. In everything I do, with every client and every project, as well as every Bible study, prayer, writing assignment and ministry action, I work for Him. He's the Boss, the Lord, the King. What a privilege it is to be in His employ--forever!

Thinking about that, I find myself actually looking forward to Monday morning, with the intention of doing my work for my Lord.

God bless you in your work this week. I pray that you find joy and satisfaction in working for Him.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


While driving home from my office tonight I was enjoying the longer days, with more daylight left after working hours. Looking up into the sky I noticed streaks of clouds way up in the heavens, like the tails of lost kites. Behind the gray and white streaks, way beyond and much higher, the pink of the sky faded softly away into clear white.

It struck me that I was looking into infinity, way up there beyond the wispy clouds, past the sky. The sky looked bigger and deeper than I can remember noticing before, and the immensity of it was awesome and thrilling. A scripture from yesterday's Bible study popped into my head, and the thrill became shivers of delight.

"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him." Psalm 103:11 (NIV)

Really, Lord? That's how big Your love for us really is? AMAZING LOVE!

In Jeremiah 31:3 God told His people, "I have loved you with an everlasting love." Love as big as the heavens, and without end. Love that wraps around us, holds us up, helps us out, provides for and protects us, knows us by heart and calls us by name. Love that sent His Son Jesus to die in our place. It's there for you. Have you claimed it for your own?


Friday, February 12, 2010


If you're like me, I'm guessing at sometime or another you have experienced that feeling of panic that can strike when circumstances feel totally out of control. When your chest feels like it's being squeezed so you can't breathe, and you break out in a cold sweat, and fear grabs your heart. Have you ever felt that way? Well I have, and unfortunately it has happened more times than I would like to admit. The reaction can come in response to all kinds of things--medical emergencies, financial pressures, family issues, or time worries--like when I suddenly realize I am way overcommitted and I can't see a way out without looking foolish.

But lately, as I've been more intentional about looking for the abundant life Jesus came to give me, I realize this panic reaction does not please Him. What pleases Him in those situations is for me to "cast all my anxiety on Him" (1 Peter 5:7), and "don't be anxious about anything, but in everything present my requests to God with thanksgiving" (Philippians 4:6), and "pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). God really does know all about our troubles, He loves us with an amazing never-ending love, and He has the power to work in our circumstances. But sometimes it seems like He's standing back waiting for us to ask Him for His help before He steps in.

When we do give Him our anxieties, and learn to rejoice in Him in spite of circumstances, here is the promise: "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 Wow! What an amazing, wonderful promise!

This peace He promised is one part of that full, abundant, joyful life God wants for us. I'm ready to turn my panic over to Him, and exchange it for the peace He offers. Are you ready?

God bless you with peace--

Saturday, January 23, 2010


What do you suppose Jesus was talking about in John 10:10 when He told us that He came to give us life in all its fullness? This statement comes right after His warning that the enemy came only to steal, kill and destroy. We talked about this recently in our ladies' Bible study, linking it with Ephesians 1:18 where Paul prayed for his Christian family in Ephesus. Paul's prayer included the hope that their spiritual eyes would be opened to understand the wonderful future God had given them in Christ. So we spent some time thinking about what Jesus and Paul meant. Yes, we know they were in part talking about our future in Heaven. But Jesus also wanted us to have a full and abundant life here on earth, as did Paul. What does that mean exactly?

As we talked through this we realized that the two (our future in Heaven and our future here) really can't be separated. Because knowing we have a future in Heaven makes all the difference here on earth. Once the eternity question is settled, everything in our daily lives takes on a whole new meaning.

For example, nearly everyone would agree that a full and abundant life would include the love of family and friends. When we share the bond of love in Christ and the promise of Heaven, friendships and family relationships grow deeper and sweeter. Another abundant life quality is the freedom from fear. Knowing our place in Heaven is secure, and that God is in control, takes the fear out of our day-to-day lives. Nothing is going to happen to us here that is too big for God to handle. (See John 16:33)

God bless you today with His abundant life, and the kind of joy you see here on the face of my precious granddaughter Rebekah! We'll talk more about what that looks like in the days ahead, but in the meantime I hope you're rejoicing, as I am, in the awesome knowledge that Jesus truly does want the best for us, today and everyday, and He knows exactly what that is! "I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10