Saturday, February 26, 2011


It took a few days for Mommy and Daddy to decide on the perfect name for their precious new bundle of joy. They needed to cuddle with her, and look into her eyes as she struggled to focus on her new world. They wanted to get to know her a little, listen to her voice, and watch her face responding to their words and touch. After much deliberation the name was decided: Emmalise Christian. A beautiful first name along with her daddy's middle name--a forever reminder of her heritage.

Watching this process of connection, I was reminded that, though she was new to us, God knew all about her. He had been faithfully and patiently knitting her together in the darkness of the womb. Even before her birth He knew all the days He had ordained for her. She will never be out of His thoughts or beyond the reach of His unending, never-failing love.

I was privileged to spend two weeks with Emmalise, big sister Rebekah, and their Mommy and Daddy. What a joy it was to welcome Emmalise on her first day in the big, bright world. And it was so much fun to read to two-year-old Rebekah, play with her in the dollhouse, and sing with her. At the end of every song she would urge, "Nana, sing more." Sometimes she just listened, but often she would sing along with me, her words a jumble but her voice raised with enthusiasm. The time was so precious, and flew by way too fast. Being with Rebekah and Emmalise took me back to the days when my own children were small. We sang together and read stories then, too. It seems like such a short time ago.

As I go about my days back home, my two granddaughters and my children are never far from my thoughts and prayers. Sometimes God even wakes me up in the night to pray for one of them. I don't usually know at the time why I need to pray for that child, although I may find out the next day. But God knows. He is faithfully watching over each one of them. He never sleeps or slumbers. He never forgets. His love never fails. I'm so grateful that He is in control!

Psalm 136:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever."

Psalm 139:9-10, 17 "If I ride the wings of the morning, if I dwell by the farthest oceans, even there Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me. How precious are Your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable!"

What a wonderful privilege it is to be part of God's forever family!

God bless you with the knowledge of His presence,