Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This morning I sat at my breakfast table watching the hummingbirds flit around the feeder on our deck, and I had to laugh at their antics. One hummingbird (I call him Mr. Stingy) was sitting in the tree near the feeder guarding it from the others. He couldn't fly around and enjoy the beautiful morning because one of the others might get by him and drink the nectar. In spite of his diligence, they did occasionally sneak in to get sips, and were quickly chased off.

Of course all they had to do was go to the other end of the deck where another feeder was waiting for them, also filled with fresh nectar. The rest of the hummingbirds (I call them the Cheer Club) swooped and dived, chasing each other around joyfully, chattering in their pleasure. But Mr. Stingy stayed faithfully at his post, never joining in the fun, and only leaving his branch to do his guard duty.

At first the whole scenario was funny to watch, but soon I began to feel sorry for Mr. Stingy. By hoarding the nectar, refusing to share, and worrying that he might run out, he was missing out on the joy and abundance that was available to him. It's too bad he didn't know his nectar supply was endless so he could quit hoarding it and join in the fun. Yesterday I had filled the feeders to the top, happy to supply as much nectar as the hummingbirds could use, and eager to refill them as often as necessary. Poor Mr. Stingy.

And yet isn't this just what we do with God? He has promised to supply all of our needs as long as we put Him first, and pay attention first to matters to do with His kingdom. But instead of going about our life and work joyfully and with abandon, as the Cheer Club were doing, we worry and fret like Mr. Stingy. We worry that we might not have enough to pay our bills and meet our needs, as if God's provision might run out.

In the process of our worry, we don't pay attention to the small miracles of joy that are around us everyday--like the smile on the face of a loved one, a lilac bush in full bloom, the bright blue of the sky, a child's happy giggle, a daisy with its face turned to the sun, the caress of a soft breeze, or the comfort of a friend. The lesson in Matthew 6:25-33 is about this subject. It says, ". . . your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need." NLT

Yes we need to be responsible with our resources, putting them to good use and not squandering
what God has blessed us with. And Proverbs says that it's wise to save for a rainy day. But we also need to recognize that God owns the universe. His supply is endless. He has promised to provide for us when we keep our priorities in order. Jesus said He came to earth to give us an abundant life. Are you noticing the abundance around you, like the Cheer Club? Or are you guarding the supply like Mr. Stingy, and missing out on the abundance of God? (Check out what Proverbs 11:24-25 has to say about hoarding.)

God bless you with joy and abundance as you trust in Him.

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