Monday, April 18, 2011


Not like Moses when he was a mighty leader of the Israelite nation, or when he was privileged to see God's glory, but way back when he was a lonely shepherd on a deserted mountain. Do you ever feel like Moses when he said, "I can't, Lord." Do you ever have the audacity, like Moses did, to actually argue with Almighty God when He gives you a job to do?

I do, I'm sad to say. God tells me to do something, either through the instructions in His word, or by the prompting of the Holy Spirit in my heart, or by arranging circumstances so I couldn't really miss His intention unless I was trying to. Sometimes I have the insolence to simply ignore what I know God wants me to do. Other times, worse yet, I actually argue with God. "I can't, Lord." Or, "I would do this if I really believed it was what You wanted for me, but surely You wouldn't ask ME to do this." Or, like Moses, "I'm not good enough, Lord. You really need to find someone who is better qualified than I am."

I am so grateful for the kindness God showed to Moses that day on the mountain. God did get angry with Moses.

"Who makes mouths?" the Lord asked him. "who makes people so they can speak or not speak, hear or not hear, see or not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go, and do as I have told you. I will help you speak well, and I will tell you what to say." Exodus 4:11-12
But even in His anger, God did not give up on Moses. God patiently and kindly worked with Moses' insecurities, even providing a spokesman for him. God blessed Moses with His power and presence, and Moses eventually became a great leader for God. Moses could not see his own potential, and he was having a hard time trusting God to be in control, but when he finally was obedient God accomplished great things through him.

God most likely will not require us to become leaders of a great nation, but the principle is the same. It works no matter how big or small the job is that God entrusts to us. With God's hand upon us, we really can accomplish the work He gives us to do--not in our own strength but in His.

May God bless you with the courage today to answer His call and do His bidding, no matter the size of the task in front of you. He, after all, is God. He is able, especially when we are not.


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